Infusion Buddy - Medical movement

The prevention application offers ex-patients of a depression the possibility to draw up a relapse prevention plan so that they can recognize and signal recurring signals early in order to prevent a depression.




Hogeschool van Amsterdam



Project overview

Research shows that patients, aged 20 to 30 years, from the ward Internal Medicine from the Academic Medical Center (AMC) have not been encouraged to move after surgery. During the hospital stay, patients are inactive, which means they reduce the recovery process. If patients do not or hardly move after surgery, patients are in bed at least 94% of the time, does that affect recovery.

My Contributions

I was the only designer on this project. I was involved in everything from defining the brand to personas, interviews, creating wireframes, to creating the final UI designs and conceptualizing the platform

Lets start with the basics!

Exercise reduces complications. Exercise after surgery has a positive effect on the recovery process. Exercise maintains the patient’s condition, muscles remain strong, the recovery process accelerates, it has a positive influence on healing of wounds, it prevents depressive moods and reduces the risk of complications.

Design Challenge

On the basis of the problem “Patients are hardly or not at all encouraged to go” moving after surgery” I have drawn up a design challenge: “How can you help patients of the Department of Internal Medicine from 20 to 30 years old from the Academic Medical Center encourage exercise after surgery to promote the recovery process?”

Target audience

Patients in the “Internal Medicine” department (helping with diseases of internal organs, such as kidneys, heart, lungs, thyroid, blood and blood vessels, stomach and intestines) between the 20 to 30 years in the Academic Medical Center.


Infusion Buddy is a personal recovery coach. Infusion Buddy is an IV pole that supports and advises patients when moving.The IV pole has a database with frequently asked questions, where the user can find answers. The patient can schedule certain exercises himself, so that a reminder is indicated when the time has come.


After I defined the concept and various solutions and which screens we need, I started with wireframes. To better map the experience, and explore more detail on a screen-by-screen level. The main focus in the digital platform is to design the experience as good as possible.

Final UI

Below are the final screens designed for the final product. Between the wireframes and the elaboration of the concept, there is the testing part in which different designs of screens are tested for functionality. 

Vincent Oostenrijk

Digital Designer



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